The success of "The Evolution of Dance" as one of the internet's most watched viral videos got Judson Laipply a lot of attention from both web users and the mainstream media, and it seemed that everyone who caught the original video wanted Laipply to give the world more. And he certainly did — in the years that followed, Laipply was happy to give his newfound audience what they wanted. In 2009, he released an "Evolution of Dance 2," which was part of a viral marketing campaign. In 2016, "Evolution of Dance 3" arrived on the platform in 2016 as part of the 10-year anniversary of the first. The sequels each employed different sets of songs but maintained the same playful style and structure.
TV stations were also keen to exploit Laipply's viral celebrity. In the months following the 2006 upload of "Evolution of Dance," Laipply appeared on several high-profile TV shows, including "Ellen," "Inside Edition," "Oprah," and "The Today Show."