Wasteland Survival Guide Magazine Locations in Fallout 4

1 Ranger Cabin Video Walkthrough

Wasteland Survival Guide gives permanently take 5% less damage from melee attacks.

2 Gorkski Cabin Video Walkthrough

Diamond City is now Permanently marked on your map.

3 Sunshine Tidings Co. Video Walkthrough

Permanently collect extra meat from animal kills.

4 Old Gullet Sinkhole Video Walkthrough

Permanently swim +25% faster.

5 Lynn Woods Video Walkthrough

Permanently unlock new decoration items in workshop settlements.

6 Crater House Video Walkthrough

Permanently take 5% less damage from insects.

7 Nahant Oceanological Society Video Walkthrough

Permanently gain +10% discount from food and drink vendors.

8 Egret Tours Marina Video Walkthrough

Permanently heal +50% from irradiated packaged food and drink.

9 Wreck of the USS Riptide Video Walkthrough

Heal 50% more from fruits and vegetables.
